Monday, September 29, 2014


Our class is so excited to have our fourth grade reading buddies this year!  Our buddies visit us and work with us on our letters, sounds, popcorn words, and most important, they READ to us!  We love our time with our buddies!  Thank you so much to Mrs. Dennis and her fourth grade superstars! We appreciate you.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Just for Parents

Just a few things:

  • Please make sure children are doing their home school connections work
  • Flashcards go home with children nightly please make sure they are practicing them
  • Read to your child nightly.  It is SO important that children are being read to nightly
  • Please make sure that children are not being dropped off until 7:10 a.m.
  • Please make sure that your child has an extra change of clothes in their cubby at all times (just in case of accidents.
  • Thank you all for everything that you do.  I greatly appreciate you!

School Helpers

 Our 4K students began discussing "School Helpers." Our questions we want to answer are:
Who are school helpers?
How do they help our school?
How can we thank them?

Our students took a walk around our school snapping pictures of the school helpers that they came across along the way!

Here are just some of the helpers we met:

Mr. Schilit
Our School's Principal
He helps by:
Keeping our students safe
Talking to parents
Helping teachers and students

Mrs. Nash
Our School's Assistant Principal
She helps by:
Dealing with behavior in our school
Teacher duty
 Helping keep students and staff

Mrs. Walker
She helps with discipline
Morning hall duty

Mrs. Howard
Save The Children
She helps prepare students for school
Afterschool STC

Mr. Smith
Guidance Counselor
He helps by talking to us about how we feel
He reads to us
He listens and talks to us

Mrs. Bennett
School Media Specialist
Helps children find their love for reading
Helps students find books
Teaches us about technology
Checks books in and out

Mrs. Lineberry
Goes into homes and helps foster a love for reading in children

Mrs. Jackson
School Chef
Prepares healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks for the entire school

Mrs. Pinkney
Head Custodian
Helps make sure that our school is nice and clean daily
She does the after school program 21st Century

This list is just a handful of our school's helpers.  The students have enjoyed learning about our helpers.  They have learned so much about their school and the people who help it run smoothly. They decided that they can thank each one of them by telling them thank you whenever they possibly can!  Stay tuned for more posts on our school helpers!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Picture Day!

Picture day is tomorrow!  Children can wear whatever they would like for pictures, and then change into their uniform after pictures are taken.