Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A few Reminders!

~The days are starting to get colder, please remember to send your child with a jacket each day.
~If your child does not have an extra change of clothes please send them in (remember long sleeve and pants)!
~Continue to go over behavioral expectations for school.
~Remember to READ to your child nightly as well as go over "Popcorn Words" (everyone should be bringing home a book nightly that we have read together in class.  If you don't see one please let me know.  These go home in the beginning of the week).
~Thank you for your continued support.  Please feel free to contact me 803-247-2184.

Awards ceremony!

This Friday, November 14th is our award ceremony which will be held in our gymnasium.  The program starts at 1:00 p.m.  Hope to see everyone there!

A Special thank you!

I wanted to give a special thank you to the Strecker family as well as the Bamberg family!  They have supplied us with snacks and we greatly appreciate it!

Student of the Month!

Congratulations John Cooper!  John made great choices for the month of October!  Continue the great work!