Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A few Reminders!

~The days are starting to get colder, please remember to send your child with a jacket each day.
~If your child does not have an extra change of clothes please send them in (remember long sleeve and pants)!
~Continue to go over behavioral expectations for school.
~Remember to READ to your child nightly as well as go over "Popcorn Words" (everyone should be bringing home a book nightly that we have read together in class.  If you don't see one please let me know.  These go home in the beginning of the week).
~Thank you for your continued support.  Please feel free to contact me 803-247-2184.

Awards ceremony!

This Friday, November 14th is our award ceremony which will be held in our gymnasium.  The program starts at 1:00 p.m.  Hope to see everyone there!

A Special thank you!

I wanted to give a special thank you to the Strecker family as well as the Bamberg family!  They have supplied us with snacks and we greatly appreciate it!

Student of the Month!

Congratulations John Cooper!  John made great choices for the month of October!  Continue the great work!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkin Investigations

Our class had a wonderful time with our pumpkin investigations.  We made a K-W-L chart where we wrote down things we knew and things we wondered about pumpkins.  We found out that pumpkins do in fact float when placed in water.  It surprised us because we thought that it was heavy and would sink!! We also counted the pumpkin seeds.  We put them into groups of ten first because we decided that was the easiest way to count them.  We found that our pumpkin had 478 seeds!! We discussed the texture of the inside and outside of the pumpkin.  We used our five senses to determine how the pumpkin felt, smelled, tasted, and looked.  We also took a class vote on how we would carve our pumpkin!  We had so much fun!  Check out our pictures.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Parent Night!

Please join us for Parent Night on Monday, October 13th from 6-7 p.m.  We will be discussing literacy and ways to help our children become outstanding readers!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Student of the Month!

Congratulations to our Student of the Month  Anna Grace Jeffcoat!  Anna was awarded student of the month because she consistently follows all of our school and classroom expectations!  Congratulations Anna!  Keep up the outstanding work!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


We are in need of snacks for our classroom.  If you are able to donate we would greatly appreciate it! 

Trunk or Treat

October 25th 
3-5 p.m.
Dover Elementary School

This event is free for everyone!
*If you would like to donate a bag of candy for this event we would greatly appreciate it!

Monday, September 29, 2014


Our class is so excited to have our fourth grade reading buddies this year!  Our buddies visit us and work with us on our letters, sounds, popcorn words, and most important, they READ to us!  We love our time with our buddies!  Thank you so much to Mrs. Dennis and her fourth grade superstars! We appreciate you.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Just for Parents

Just a few things:

  • Please make sure children are doing their home school connections work
  • Flashcards go home with children nightly please make sure they are practicing them
  • Read to your child nightly.  It is SO important that children are being read to nightly
  • Please make sure that children are not being dropped off until 7:10 a.m.
  • Please make sure that your child has an extra change of clothes in their cubby at all times (just in case of accidents.
  • Thank you all for everything that you do.  I greatly appreciate you!

School Helpers

 Our 4K students began discussing "School Helpers." Our questions we want to answer are:
Who are school helpers?
How do they help our school?
How can we thank them?

Our students took a walk around our school snapping pictures of the school helpers that they came across along the way!

Here are just some of the helpers we met:

Mr. Schilit
Our School's Principal
He helps by:
Keeping our students safe
Talking to parents
Helping teachers and students

Mrs. Nash
Our School's Assistant Principal
She helps by:
Dealing with behavior in our school
Teacher duty
 Helping keep students and staff

Mrs. Walker
She helps with discipline
Morning hall duty

Mrs. Howard
Save The Children
She helps prepare students for school
Afterschool STC

Mr. Smith
Guidance Counselor
He helps by talking to us about how we feel
He reads to us
He listens and talks to us

Mrs. Bennett
School Media Specialist
Helps children find their love for reading
Helps students find books
Teaches us about technology
Checks books in and out

Mrs. Lineberry
Goes into homes and helps foster a love for reading in children

Mrs. Jackson
School Chef
Prepares healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks for the entire school

Mrs. Pinkney
Head Custodian
Helps make sure that our school is nice and clean daily
She does the after school program 21st Century

This list is just a handful of our school's helpers.  The students have enjoyed learning about our helpers.  They have learned so much about their school and the people who help it run smoothly. They decided that they can thank each one of them by telling them thank you whenever they possibly can!  Stay tuned for more posts on our school helpers!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Picture Day!

Picture day is tomorrow!  Children can wear whatever they would like for pictures, and then change into their uniform after pictures are taken.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Few Reminders

*The Bell rings at 7:10 a.m. please do not drop children off before this time.
*Please remember that we always need an extra change of clothes for your child.  If your child has an accident at school please remember to send a new change the following day.
*Box Tops for Education- Our school collects these for money for our school.  Please save them for us and  send them in with your child.
*If there is ever a change in transportation, a note must be written for the day(s) of the change.
*A big thank you to everyone who has sent in snacks for our class.  We always appreciate and welcome any  help with that.
*Please help us reinforce our classroom rules.  We understand that this is the first school experience for  many of our children but we are trying to help them understand and follow the rules of our school and  classroom.


This week Mrs. Meek's class got to know their new class pet which they named Spike!  Spike is a leopard gecko.  Want to know more about Spike?  Read the following.

Leopard Gecko Introduction

Leopard geckos are nocturnal lizards found in desert environments in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and parts of India and have been popular pets in North America since the 1980's. They lack adhesive lamella and have tiny claws instead which gives them an advantage in sandy environments. This also prevents them from climbing up surfaces easily so they primarily live on the ground and do not climb. They are unique from other leopard gecko species because they can move their eyelids.
Despite being one of the most popular lizard pets, little is known about leopard geckos in the wild. Their population numbers are unknown and their unique dots and coloring makes perfect a camouflage for their natural environments which makes them a challenge to find. They are excellent at hiding from predators and stay hidden during the day to avoid being seen (and to stay away from the heat) and leopard geckos shed their skin to prevent their scent from being discovered.

How Big Do Leopard Geckos Get?

Leopard geckos are the largest species of gecko with adults reaching a max length of 8-11 inches. Below is the average size leopard geckos reach. 

How Long Do Leopard Geckos Live

Leopard geckos can live to be 20 years old or older if their owner takes care of them properly by making sure they have proper nutrition, habitat, and monitor for health issues. There have been cases of leopard geckos living to be as old as 30, but while possible its usually rare for them to reach that age.

Leopard Geckos As Pets

Leopard Geckos are one of the most popular lizard pets. They are hardy, easy to maintain, require little space, and have long life spans which make them a perfect companion for individuals and families. They make great first pets for those new to reptiles and can easily be bred to create offspring in various patterns, colors, and sizes making them ideal for experienced reptile owners as well.
They only eat insects, so their diet isn't complicated like other reptiles such as bearded dragons, and they are very docile and can be handled without worrying about aggression.
Since their natural environment consists of harsh conditions including soaring temperatures and weeks without food or water, leopard geckos have adapted to survive where other animals cannot. This makes the leopard gecko extremely hardy is and why many people believe they are so easy to maintain and take care of as pets.


All of the above information was found on

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our Project was Funded!!!

Thank you to our wonderful and generous donors for donating to a class incubator!! Our class will be hatching ducks this school year thanks to everyone who donated!!  Thanks again, we appreciate you!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mrs. Meek's children had a wonderful time guessing what their classroom pet would be!  They are very excited to find out what it will actually be on Monday!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Our class received a grant from Pet Smart for a classroom pet!  So we will be welcoming a new friend on Monday.  Does anyone want to guess what type of animal it will be?
The first couple of days have been "owl"-standing!  We have been busy making new friends and learning our classroom policies and procedures.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Big Thank You!

I just wanted to say thank you to all of the parents and children who came to open house Thursday night!  It was so nice to meet all of you, and I am so excited for the new school year!  See you all on Wednesday!

Mrs. Meek

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mrs. Meek's Policies and Procedures

In order for our classroom to be a safe and happy environment for all of our children to learn, we must follow classroom procedures and rules.  You can read over them below.  We will go over them often in our classroom.
Entering the Classroom in the            morning:                
Children will enter the classroom in the morning and take out their communication folder and place it behind the door in the pocket with their name.  Children will place all of their other belongings in their cubby with their name on it.  Children will sign in on the board and then get their writing journal.  Children will find a spot and write their names in their writing journal.
Walking in Line:
When entering or exiting the classroom as a class students will stand in a line one behind the other on a pink or gray square.  If they stop in a white square they will be asked to move to the back of the line.  This is a Dover rule for all grade levels.  There will be no talking in line.  Children can have their hands behind their back, at their side, or in their pockets.

Children may use the restroom at any point during the school day.  They are to knock on the door to see if anyone is in there.  If someone is they will stand on the piece of tape on the outside of bathroom and wait quietly for that person to finish.  Once children are done in the restroom they are expected to flush, cleanup and wash their hands.

Each center in our classroom is meant to help children with a specific skill.  Children have access to a library, abc/writing center, Dramatic play, Construction zone, Starboard, Computers, Listening Station, Math, Quiet zone, and Art.  While children are in centers they are able to talk and interact with peers unless they are in the quiet zone.  Three children can be in a center at a time.  They each have a tag with their name on it and they can move to a different center as long as there is an open spot.  They must clean the center they are in first and then they can move to a different center.  Children may talk but are expected to keep the volume down.

Work time:
Center time is also work time.  At certain times during centers they will be asked to meet with both Mrs. Meek and Mrs. Ammonds.  This allows for both teachers to either work individually with children are in small groups with them.  During this time we expect children who are not working with us to stay in their centers.  If there is a problem that they cannot resolve on their own children may come up to either teacher and place a hand on our shoulder.  This indicates to teachers that there is a problem.  This keeps from children running up and shouting that there is a problem and we can all calmly solve it.

Rug Rules:
Children are able to socialize with peers for the majority of the day, but during rug time this is a quiet time where we are focused on what we are learning. Children will still be able to ask questions and comment on the material being taught but they need to sit quietly so that all children have the chance to get the information.  Children will sit criss cross applesauce with their hands in their laps.  They will sit quietly and raise their hands if they have something they want to add.

Center time clean up:
The center helper will give the ten minute warning when the teacher directs them to by turning the lights off and then on.  At this time children know they only have a little more time in their center.  If they choose to start cleaning up at that time that is great.  When teacher turns on the clean up song they are to have their centers cleaned up by the time that song plays two times through.  I will know children are ready when they are all sitting quietly on the rug. 

Communication  Folders/Behavior Chart:
Communication folders will go home every day except for Fridays and are expected to return EVERYDAY!  This is where the newsletters, home-school connections, behavior chart, etc. will go.  The behavior journals will be on the backside with an explanation of behavior for that day.  Parents: please initial each day indicating that you have reviewed it.  Also, home-school connections will be sent home each night.  Please make sure your child completes this work.  Allow them the opportunity to do the work on their own.  You may want to assist them and that is great but please do not do the work for them.  Please remember it does not help them if you do it for them.

Rest Time:
Each day (with the exception of Tuesday) we will have rest time.  For one hour after lunch the children will be asked to lie on their cots silently.  Some children will choose to sleep and that is encouraged but not required.  If children decide not to sleep they must still lay quietly so that those who do wish to sleep may do so.  Children are asked to bring in a sheet, blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal, whatever they want to sleep with.  If you send in a stuffed animal please make sure that it is one that does not have to be sent home nightly. (Nobody wants a meltdown in the middle of the night because their favorite toy was forgotten at school that day)!  Linens will come home on Fridays so they can be washed, please send back on Mondays!

Snack Time:
Each day children will be given a snack after rest time.  We encourage families to bring snacks in for our class.  If a student has a special request or can only eat something specific for snack you can send that individually for your child.  We do ask that snacks are not candy, or soda.  Juice, water, fruit snacks, cookies, crackers, cereal, fruit cups, etc. are encouraged.

Extra Clothes:
Please make sure that we always have an extra change of clothes.  We never know when we may need to change.  Sometimes we get messy at breakfast or on the playground, and sometimes we have bathroom accidents so please make sure there is always a change of clothes (including underwear and socks).  If we have to change your child their dirty clothes will be in a bag in their book bag.  You will then know that we need an extra pair. 

Classroom Expectations:
Dover has a set of expectations that all students are expected to follow.  1. Listen and follow directions the first time. 2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. 3. Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.  4. Have your supplies and be on time.  If these expectations are broken then the child will be asked to move his/her clip.  Each time a clip is moved a consequence will come along with it.  If it is moved one time it is a warning.  The second time the clip is moved the child will sit away from the group and reflect on their behavior.  They will need to explain how they broke the expectation and what they will do better next time.  The last time the clip is moved the child will receive a phone call home.    Improved behavior is encouraged therefore children will have the opportunity to move their clip up with better behavior.

Students will be given a four digit lunch number. Teachers will work with children to memorize them.  Children will stand in line to get their food for breakfast and lunch.  Each child will learn how to get his/her own milk, spoon, and napkin and walk through the lunch line.

Classroom Jobs:
Classroom jobs will be given weekly.  Each child will be responsible for something.  We do this to build responsibility and independence.  Children are expected to take their jobs seriously.  If their behavior is not where it needs to be the child will not be able to do the job anymore.  Jobs include: Line leader, door holder, caboose, bathroom helper, snack helper, tray helper, table washer, center helper, substitute, meteorologist, teacher helper, outdoor helper.

The New School Year is Almost Here!!!

This summer Mrs. Meek and Mrs. Ammond's have enjoyed spending time with family and friends, and traveling.  We are very excited about our new school year and can't wait to meet our new 4K friends!!  We are ready to dive into learning!

Meet the teacher will be on August 14, 2014 at Dover Elementary School from 5:30-7:00 p.m.  You and your child will have the opportunity to visit our classroom.  Please join us!

Enjoy the rest of your summer! We look forward to seeing you soon!