Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Few Reminders

*The Bell rings at 7:10 a.m. please do not drop children off before this time.
*Please remember that we always need an extra change of clothes for your child.  If your child has an accident at school please remember to send a new change the following day.
*Box Tops for Education- Our school collects these for money for our school.  Please save them for us and  send them in with your child.
*If there is ever a change in transportation, a note must be written for the day(s) of the change.
*A big thank you to everyone who has sent in snacks for our class.  We always appreciate and welcome any  help with that.
*Please help us reinforce our classroom rules.  We understand that this is the first school experience for  many of our children but we are trying to help them understand and follow the rules of our school and  classroom.

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