Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Few Reminders

*The Bell rings at 7:10 a.m. please do not drop children off before this time.
*Please remember that we always need an extra change of clothes for your child.  If your child has an accident at school please remember to send a new change the following day.
*Box Tops for Education- Our school collects these for money for our school.  Please save them for us and  send them in with your child.
*If there is ever a change in transportation, a note must be written for the day(s) of the change.
*A big thank you to everyone who has sent in snacks for our class.  We always appreciate and welcome any  help with that.
*Please help us reinforce our classroom rules.  We understand that this is the first school experience for  many of our children but we are trying to help them understand and follow the rules of our school and  classroom.


This week Mrs. Meek's class got to know their new class pet which they named Spike!  Spike is a leopard gecko.  Want to know more about Spike?  Read the following.

Leopard Gecko Introduction

Leopard geckos are nocturnal lizards found in desert environments in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and parts of India and have been popular pets in North America since the 1980's. They lack adhesive lamella and have tiny claws instead which gives them an advantage in sandy environments. This also prevents them from climbing up surfaces easily so they primarily live on the ground and do not climb. They are unique from other leopard gecko species because they can move their eyelids.
Despite being one of the most popular lizard pets, little is known about leopard geckos in the wild. Their population numbers are unknown and their unique dots and coloring makes perfect a camouflage for their natural environments which makes them a challenge to find. They are excellent at hiding from predators and stay hidden during the day to avoid being seen (and to stay away from the heat) and leopard geckos shed their skin to prevent their scent from being discovered.

How Big Do Leopard Geckos Get?

Leopard geckos are the largest species of gecko with adults reaching a max length of 8-11 inches. Below is the average size leopard geckos reach. 

How Long Do Leopard Geckos Live

Leopard geckos can live to be 20 years old or older if their owner takes care of them properly by making sure they have proper nutrition, habitat, and monitor for health issues. There have been cases of leopard geckos living to be as old as 30, but while possible its usually rare for them to reach that age.

Leopard Geckos As Pets

Leopard Geckos are one of the most popular lizard pets. They are hardy, easy to maintain, require little space, and have long life spans which make them a perfect companion for individuals and families. They make great first pets for those new to reptiles and can easily be bred to create offspring in various patterns, colors, and sizes making them ideal for experienced reptile owners as well.
They only eat insects, so their diet isn't complicated like other reptiles such as bearded dragons, and they are very docile and can be handled without worrying about aggression.
Since their natural environment consists of harsh conditions including soaring temperatures and weeks without food or water, leopard geckos have adapted to survive where other animals cannot. This makes the leopard gecko extremely hardy is and why many people believe they are so easy to maintain and take care of as pets.


All of the above information was found on

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our Project was Funded!!!

Thank you to our wonderful and generous donors for donating to a class incubator!! Our class will be hatching ducks this school year thanks to everyone who donated!!  Thanks again, we appreciate you!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mrs. Meek's children had a wonderful time guessing what their classroom pet would be!  They are very excited to find out what it will actually be on Monday!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Our class received a grant from Pet Smart for a classroom pet!  So we will be welcoming a new friend on Monday.  Does anyone want to guess what type of animal it will be?
The first couple of days have been "owl"-standing!  We have been busy making new friends and learning our classroom policies and procedures.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Big Thank You!

I just wanted to say thank you to all of the parents and children who came to open house Thursday night!  It was so nice to meet all of you, and I am so excited for the new school year!  See you all on Wednesday!

Mrs. Meek