Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Our ducks are getting very comfortable in our classroom!  They love to swim in our sand and water table, they love to be held, and they love waddling after the children.  We are very busy loving our ducklings but also busy learning all about them.  They are fascinating animals. We have been trying to educate  everyone on them when we have visitors in our classroom.  Some of the most interesting things we love to share about them so far is that bread is actually not good for ducks! So next time you go to a pond don't take your old bread.  Instead take vegetables!  Many of our guests have learned a new word that they had never heard before, which is preening.  Preening is when a bird straightens and cleans its feathers with their beak.  Our ducks do this quite often especially after swimming. We have learned so much and we will continue to share.  Stay tuned for our class Public Service Announcements.  
I really do believe that if I let them they would spend HOURS just watching them swim!

They love to let the ducks "peck" their fingers!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I love how the teachers are implementing project-based learning and that the students are able to get their "feet wet!" So fun!!
